About Echo Holler
Old Ben Porter is a feisty, flawed, yet eloquent man who stands up with his proverbial crusade against growing old. As the years go by, he fights by fervently retaining an inner life to do that battle – his imagination and his memories. He owns an intense need to share about his life, his dreams…and that he can somehow “give” back. In his own personal battles, Ben draws his line in the sand and takes a stand against being forgotten with a youthful energy that belies his years on the road.
We remember all the experiences of joy and pain. Healing and kindness. And forgiveness – the highest form of love one can indeed offer, in my view. We depend on our memories to remind us that we are better than we feel we may be in any given moment of doubt. Memory thus forms the foundation for hope in our lives.
Because, you see…hope is always young…